| class ChannelSpatially positioned audio output channel.Visibility | Public | Modifiers | sealed | Extends | IEquatable |
Public functionsPublic static functionsPublic propertiesVector3 CubicalPos | Position on a cube with a side length of 2. | float Distance | The distance from the listener, relative to the center channel. Magnitude of SpatialPos. | bool IsScreenChannel | This channel is part of the screen channels, and should be behind the screen in a theatre. | bool LFE | True for channels carrying only Low Frequency Effects. | Vector3 SpatialPos | Position in space. SphericalPos in Studio environments, CubicalPos otherwise. | Vector3 SphericalPos | Position on a sphere with the radius of 1. | float X | Rotation around the vertical axis in degrees: elevation. | float Y | Rotation around the horizontal axis in degrees, clockwise: azimuth. |
See alsoCavernUnity DLL.Cavern.Utilities.ChannelExtensions | Extension functions for Channels. |